How to produce more green energy. Experience exchange between Romania and Norway


The market is growing in Romania. In 2021, 13,600 prosumers were registered. Two years later, the number has grown exponentially to 65,000.

But the transition from traditional, polluting sources to renewables is not easy. Romania’s transport system frequently crashes when there is too much sun or wind. But there is also still a need for conventional sources when renewables cannot provide continuity.

Laws are not always adapted to new trends and new technologies. And there is a need for exchange of experience so that successful models can spread.

The eco-camps organised in Bucharest and Ciugud by Innovation Norway and Freedom House Romania, together with its partners, aimed to do just that: to bring together actors from all levels to learn from each other’s successes and mistakes.

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the SEE Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the „Energy Programme in Romania”.

Representatives of town halls, private companies, journalists and representatives of energy cooperatives took part in the two environmental camps, which were held in Bucharest from 25 to 27 September and in Ciugud from 28 to 30 September.

And a special guest from Norway, one of Europe’s most advanced countries in the field of renewable energy.

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See here the debates in Ciugud on „Public Policies for Energy Sustainable Communities”.

Warming from artificial snow machines

„Our main objective is to solve the energy problem in Norway while protecting the environment. Norway’s carbon footprint is very small, especially compared to other countries like the United States for example.

This is due to our modern energy production system”, said Sergei Faschevsky, senior consultant at Norsk Energi, at the „Public Policy for Energy Sustainable Communities” eco-camp in Bucharest.

Sergei Faschevsky (dreapta), senior consultant la Norsk Energi. Foto Inquam Photos/Octav Ganea
Sergei Faschevsky (dreapta), senior consultant la Norsk Energi. Foto Inquam Photos/Octav Ganea

Norsk Energi has 30 years of experience in the field of energy production and its representative pointed out that no source is ignored. For example, Sergei Faschevsky pointed out, the heat from artificial snow machines is used to heat a ski resort.

The eco-camps in Bucharest and Ciugud took place as part of the project „Energy literacy for an efficient and sustainable Romania. Knowledge transfer and awareness raising between Romania and Norway„.

Representatives of the project partners, De-A Arhitectura, Cult Market Research, the mayor of Sector 6, Ciprian Ciucu, and the mayor of Ciugud, Gheorghe Damian, also spoke at the meetings in the capital and in Ciugud.

Representatives of the Association of Polystyrene Producers, Energy Cooperative, Energy Policy Group, Eco Drive, Tesla Happy Owners Romania Association, Electromobilitate Community, Association of Romanian Municipalities, Alba Local Energy Agency also participated.

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More EU funds need to be accessed

Mayor Ciprian Ciucu talked about the methods he has applied in Sector 6, in his subordinate institutions (such as kindergartens and schools) to reduce fossil energy consumption and energy efficiency.

„We are also accessing funds that the Government or the European Union makes available to make the transition to electric mobility.

That means putting charging stations in more public parks and now we’re going to target the residential area as well. It’s only worth getting an electric car if you have somewhere to charge it,” explained Mayor Ciprian Ciucu.

The mayor of Ciugud, a village in Romania that has become a model of how to modernise and technologise a community, pointed out that we live in times when global warming is no longer a myth.

„It is important to access as much funding as possible for the implementation of renewable energies and all the investments we make must demonstrate that they are energy sustainable.

The role of these meetings is, beyond the information we gather from specialists, to exchange opinions among ourselves, to establish links”, explained Gheorghe Damian.

What Romanians know about green energy

Alexandru Zodieru, general manager of Cult Market Research, a market research company, presented the results of a study, commissioned by Freedom House Romania, on the level of Romanians’ knowledge about energy efficiency.

Copiii de la Școala „Sf. Andrei” din Sectorul 6 au răspuns întrebărilor despre energia verde și au câștigat un tricou
How to produce more green energy. Children from St Andrew’s School in Sector 6 answered the question and won a T-shirt

Research has shown that energy efficiency is associated with reducing energy consumption, decreasing reliance on external energy sources, using smart devices, and minimizing pollution.

In addition, the study shows that renewable energy sources and energy efficiency are important topics for Romanians, with most of them at least occasionally discussing the topic.

The main source of trust is represented by specialised websites.

Also, people who want to implement energy efficiency methods in their homes turn to acquaintances who have already implemented such measures to find out about their experience.

A debate on the use of polystyrene

Vera Marin, an educator for students, children, and adults in projects implemented by the Association for Urban Transition and De-A Arhitectura, presented some of the projects they have underway.

„We have organized several workshops that were organized on a club formula. In our organization’s mission we build through education and our building grows when children and adults understand and love the values of the built environment and are active in their communities.

My attachment to the environment around me and my ability to do something to improve the environment I live in are linked”, Vera Marin said at the eco-camp organised in Bucharest and Ciugud by Freedom House Romania and Innovation Norway.

Participanții la eco campuri au vizitat grădiniția ultratehnolgizată din Ciugud
How to produce more green energy. Eco-camp participants visited the ultra-technical kindergarten in Ciugud

An interesting discussion was opened by Mihail Ștefan, President of the Association of Polystyrene Producers. He explained, at the eco-camp in Bucharest, that a building cannot comply with the nZEB (nearly zero energy building) concept for the whole period of its use, but only for a certain period of time.

„When we talk about a concept like nZEB, it means that a building will have zero emissions only for a certain period of time. If we were to talk about the whole period of use of a building, it will not remain an nZEB building for the whole period of use, but by today’s standards we can move towards such buildings,” said Mihail Stefan.

The number of prosumers has exploded in the last two years, but for green energy production to be efficient, one solution is to group together in a producer collective.

One such group is the Energy Cooperative, the first of its kind. Ioan Bârsan explained why investing in renewable energy sources is an important step for a country or even a community.

„As solar panel technology has evolved, costs have started and continue to fall and such projects are becoming more and more economically efficient.

By investing in renewable energy sources a country or a community can become energy independent.

Reducing imports of fossil fuels can increase energy security. Fluctuations in natural gas prices will no longer have as great an impact as we have experienced recently,” said Ioan Bârsan.

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Sustainable Energy Forum on 22 November

The project „Energy literacy for an efficient and sustainable Romania. Knowledge transfer and awareness raising between Romania and Norway” continues with the Sustainable Energy Forum on 22 November.

The theme is topical: Transition from black gold to green energy. How to modernise Romania’s energy infrastructure to accept more renewables.

Project run by: Freedom House Romania, Norsk Energi, Cult-Research, De-a Arhitectura

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the SEE Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the „Energy Programme in Romania”.

Supported by: Municipality of Sector 6, Municipality of Ciugud

Media partners: PRESShub, Hotnews, RFI, Agerpres, Euractiv, Ziarul de Iași, Curs de Guvernare, Bihoreanul, Monitorul de Botoșani, Banatul Azi, ReporterIS, Vrancea24, Info Sud-Est, EcoDrive, Știri Actuale, Reporter24, Bărgă, Năsăudeanul.

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Citește varianta în limba română: Cum producem mai multă energie verde. Schimb de experiență între România și Norvegia

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