Hackathon of Good Governance: What did the city halls do with our money


Who: Open Data Hackathon

Where: Bucharest

When: 19-21 April 2024

How to participate: enroll yourself here: https://shorturl.at/orOS0

The mandate of the mayors in Romania comes to an end soon. They had four years at their disposal to demonstrate their capacity to manage public funds. They had four years (or more) to show that they were worth the trust given to them by vote.

Moreover, because they are preparing for the electoral campaign, it is possible that they would make use of the public funds to conduct a hidden electoral campaign in order to ensure their success in the elections.

We will see how efficient were the city halls of Bucharest and the rest of the country by consulting the information that they are obliged to make public, online. Sometimes, the information is easily accessible while, in some cases, it is hidden behind many clicks.

We are searching all data, we are gathering, analyzing and comparing it within the Open Data Hackathon, organized by Freedom House Romania, Expert Forum, Geeks for Democracy and Corupția Ucide.

Open Data Hackathon takes place in Bucharest, 19-21 April 2024

Journalists, programmers, UX specialists, graphic designers, representatives of civic NGOs, students with an interest in the subject or digital journalism, journalism or political science professors and videographers are welcome to join us.

It would be perfect to enroll with a team that would help to build the story that we want to tell. We would start from open data sets in order to create, in teams, investigations based on data and various online applications that will demonstrate how public funds are used.

If you fit in one of the aforementioned specializations and want to participate in Open Data Hackathon, enroll here: https://shorturl.at/orOS0

For questions, please contact the coordinator of Data Journalism Hub, Cristina Boroș, at the e-mail address crina.boros@freedomhouse.ro.

Free entry for the enrolled participants.

Enrollment deadline (extended) for Open Data Hackathon: enrollment closed.

Enroll here: https://shorturl.at/orOS0

This project is partially financed by a grant from the Department of State of the USA. The opinions, findings and conclusions presented in this work are owned by the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of State of the USA.

Citește versiunea în limba română: Hackathon-ul bunei guvernări: Ce au făcut primăriile cu banii noștri

Hackathon of Good Governing: What did the city halls do with our money
Hackathon of Good Governing: What did the city halls do with our money
Cea mai răspândită rețea de presă din România!


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