Tag: infrigment forests

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Environment Ministry releases closed-doors meeting recording, revealing forest and biodiversity loss admission in talk with European Parliament delegates

In a move to refute European Parliament’s petition delegation’s allegation of closed-door policy during a joint meeting in Bucharest, the Romanian Ministry of Environment...

European Parliament delegation investigating illegal logging in Romania reacts following restricted press access disclosures

The European Parliament (EP) has reacted to PRESShub's disclosure that journalists were held at an arm's length by the Petitions Department (PETI) delegation that...

A matter of facts, rebels and leaked documents: Competing Romania illegal logging fact-finding missions advance amid rumours EU infringement could be dropped

'These guys are approving logging without any idea whether that logging would damage a key habitat or a species!’  This is the reason environmental activists...


Comisia Europeană a lansat strategia de pregătire pentru crize. Care sunt recomandările pentru populație

Comisia Europeană a lansat, miercuri, strategia de pregătire pentru...

AKTUAL24 | Cât ar rezista Polonia în cazul unui război cu Rusia. Estimarea unui general polonez

Dariusz Lukowski, șeful Biroului Național de Securitate din Polonia,...

Teama cea mai mare a lui Paul Stănescu: primari aleși în două tururi

Secretarul general al Partidului Social Democrat, Paul Stănescu, a...

Tancuri în loc de mașini. Cum se schimbă piața muncii în Germania | DEUTSCHE WELLE

În industria germană lucrurile se schimbă major: în timp...