Why is the AUR party shouting that „the state is stealing our children” and where is the lie


„Satanic law: PSD, PNL and USR want to take our children”, „The Firea Law, through which the state can take children from poor families”, „If you are poor, you no longer have the right to raise your children”. These are just some of the manipulations used by AUR and the followers of conspiracy theories to panic Romanians.

What is this law about

A law project launched by the Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, which aims to help children from disadvantaged families, was generally turned by the political party AUR’s leaders into a propaganda reason, which caused a wave of negative reactions.

The legislative initiative wants to prevent the children separation from their families from vulnerable environments, which cannot financially afford their upbringing. If the law is adopted, 150 day care centers would be built where minors at risk could eat, do homework or even benefit from various aids, such as packages of clothes.

Although the project is dedicated precisely for minors who need to be helped to stay with their families, the propaganda promoted a speech that goes exactly the other way around.

With intent, wrong information were distributed, according to which minors would be taken away from their parents if they don’t have a good financial situation or if they were illiterate.

During the session in Parliament where this legislative proposal was to be debated, AUR representatives made statements according to which these day care centers would be „extermination camps”.

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Minors will not be vaccinated without parental consent

Those who were against this initiative, mostly members of the AUR party, say that children will be taken away from their families by the state, following the model of the Bavernet in Norway, and vaccinated against their and their parents’ will, or even registered in databases for international adoptions.

Obviously, the statements of the AUR leaders do not take into account the fact that, for example, international adoptions for non-Romanian citizens have been prohibited in Romania for more than 20 years.

What the project named Law on the Prevention of Separation of the Child from the Family really state is that: „the public social assistance service has the obligation to support the family in charge of raising and caring for a child who may be at risk of separation, if the family , depending on the economic situation and its living conditions are in a vulnerable situation”.

According to the statement of reasons, 32% of the children placed in the care of the state in 2021 entered the system as a result of the poor economic situation of the family from which they came and not because the minors were not wanted by their parents.

The Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities draws attention to the fact that 8 out of 10 Romanian children face various shortages in terms of food, education or clothing.

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Who can access this program

These day care centers will not be for everyone. An analysis of each case would be made according to several criteria. Priority will be given to children whose parents are out of the country or minors whose parents do not have civil status documents, for example.

In addition, the environment in which he grows up, if the family’s level of education is low or if there are cases of violence, will also be taken into account.

If it is found that the minor is in at least one category of vulnerability, a service plan is drawn up to meet the needs of both the child and the family.

The information that this draft law appeared overnight was also circulated in the public space.

The legislative initiative was launched in public debate since August of last year. In addition, it received favorable opinions from the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Investments and European Projects, the Ministry of Development, the Legislative Council, the Economic and Social Council.

Citește varianta în limba română: De ce strigă AUR că „statul ne fură copiii” și unde este minciuna

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Bianca Iosef
Bianca Iosef
Bianca Iosef a terminat Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științele Comunicării din cadrul Universității București în anul 2022. A început să lucreze ca jurnalist încă din timpul facultății și este interesată să evolueze cât mai mult în acest domeniu.


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